Month: March 2014

is the sincerest form of flattery, or so the experts say LOL

Some of you will have seen the stunning photo of box hedging in the photo below that Rachel posted. I was totally blown away with it.

I mentioned a few weeks ago about a spiral box that needed new compost and TLC, I also had a few box plants that I was not happy about where the were positioned. So I went for broke.

The spiral is now in position around the base of the Sumac, the othere plants are in place and I am planning on planting a few more more plants in a curved line strecthing out into the gravel.

The colour of the spiral shows just how much it needed to be removed from it’s planter, I’m hoping the soil and extra compost will help it back to it’s former glory.

I will not start cutting and shaping the hedge for a while yet, but I like what I’m seeing just now. The box extending out into gravel will add interset to the whole idea.

I know it’s a smaller version, but I think it has the chance of adding interest to what has always been a dull area of the garden.

StunningMy smaller take on the aboveBox plants will extend out into the gravel

This little U4BA is looking very nice at the moment. Love the colour. It was bought only last year but I thought I had stuck a label into the ground beside it. Wrong! But if my memory serves me correctly, I think Andy may have this one. If so, or if anyone else has it, can you tell me which one it is, please?

Yesterday we decided to give the lawn its first good cut of the year. Anne went around it on the mower while I got the strimming done around the edges. Next it was time to cut the small lawn so Anne got that done too. Then Finally it was on to seed sowing. We got Cauliflower, Cabbage, Sprouts and Leeks sown into cell trays. Today we paid a visit to the garden centre and got some violas that were on offer. Some Little Gem lettuce plants were purchased along with some tomato seeds (sweet million and money maker). Those were sowed when we got home. Anne planted her Violas into pots and I planted some of the lettuce in the tunnel. Just before we finished up for the evening we got the salad bed dug over. All starting to kick off now.

Violas beside the Lettuce plants.Seeds sown over the weekend.The Salad bed dug over

I have an Agapanthus plant in the garden and its flowered lovely last year. Then it died down and its starting to come back again….but I notice it has  roots coming up through the soil. These are basically running along the top or at least near the top of the soil and are white in colour. The plant I thought was down deep enough but strange to see these just below the soil and in some cases exposed.

Two questions, what are they and is that normal? I’ve no photo…but will get one the next time I’m out in the garden, just had a shower and am too tired now ;)…Thanks

I planted these daffodils on a hill a few years back and they make a lovely sight in spring.

Because they are on a hill and because they are yellow, you can see them from a distance.

What more appropriate sight for Paddy’s Day.

Have a Great Saint Patrick’s Day, everyone.

A happy st. Patrick’s Day to all in

well i didnt do my usual crawl went to woodies nearer to me than the one in aldi complex/. this woodies used to be athlantic homecare. i was so cold and not feeling the best i came away from it early, i did come home with 3 berginia to put with the ferns in a shaded area of the new area and a bag of rabbit food and then went in to horkans just spent 5 minutes there as i was so cold. got 4 polemonium, now sitting with a big mug of hot choclate to warm me up. i cannot be sick for kew….no way,

also picked up a secateurs in the market in claregalway as i can t find my good one so annoying as i have it for years. have loads to prune so maybe for an hour tomorrow eve or even during the week

Yesterday was another great day. 

i had planned on doing some more planting but the day got distracted so many times I really didn’t get much done

After  the shopping was done, I finally got out to the garden to do a small bit of tidying up. Then I decided I would cut the grass. Thing is with all the work ( walls being built, shrubs being removed) the garden was looking a bit sad. Anyway decided I’d give it it’s first haircut for the season. Got a small amount of grass. It really hasn’t taken off so much just yet. I did however manage to pick up a lot of debris that was on the grass with the mower which made it look much better. 

It was quite a windy day and at one stage I thought one of the greenhouses might take off, but I made sure I kept them closed at times. Decided to plant up a few more seeds. 

I had a Ricinus seedling doing so well. It had been potted on, it was one of 6 seeds that I planted and the only one to survive. But when I checked yesterday it had died so I planted up a few more. i was so annoyed. Planted up some Cornflower to scatter around the garden and also some more Cosmos. 

Then I had to go out for a while and it was then the  sun came out. Typical. Thought I’d get a bit more done, but my two sisters arrived in the afternoon for our weekly get together and that put an end to that. But I needed the rest. It’s been a great week for gardening and I’ve enjoyed every minute of it. Roll on next week 😉 

Rocky and Freddie took full advantage of the lovely sunshine. 


Enjoy the rest of this long weekend. 

Aoife snapped great photos of the bird feeders been raided today.

Love this Narcissus and was looking great today in the sun. Also another Yellow and Orange but have no name.

Pulled a bit of this up a few weeks ago somewhere that I shouldn’t have. But it was screaming out to be spread around. Potted it up as soon as I got home. And only 5 weeks on, it has taken off. Hope I can keep it under control, and sincerely hoping it’s not going to prove as difficult as Gunnera manicata!!!

Petasites japonicus var. giganteusWeb photo

We have loads of these and are hoping to make huge drifts . They are a little later than the common ones and are in full fling now.

Just wishing everyone a lovely St Patricks Day.The parade will pass by my house here,and the weather sounds good that day.

Plans will be to get more sowing done in the tunnel for an hour or so that morning.But as always the plan is made,but the fun that day always wins.Send on the sun St Patrick.

The ladies had Mum out shopping on Friday,and that evening when i went into the kitchen,a nice suprise was waiting for me.On a little note were the words (Bought you this it might be useful for you) Quite happy i was.

Tray to join the group.

Show us where we have to go,were here to stay.Unless that wind catches us by suprise,we know where to hide.

Behind the shrubs.Send on more sun to keep these boys smiling.

Ipomea Yelta? Moya gave me seeds and I cant believe how quickly they are growing! I have them on the window sill and every morning I’m amazed how much they have grown in a day!

My question is should I be pinching out the tops as I wont be able to put these outside for quite awhile yet and I’m thinking they will have got too tall by then. Any advice?

Like these pale daffodils

On Thursday last i passed Aldi and gave a check over the bargains.

More trays etc were purchased,and now to get them in action.

Thanks Jackie.

Original plans changed for today so I decided “what the heck”. I have been feeling the brunt of garden jobs in the last day or two so decided to just take things easy and enjoy the weekend with Steve, and the great match.

I had been disgusted recently when I realised I had no Ricinus seeds to sow, but after spending a while scrubbing plant labels today, going through my seeds, and washing and storing seed bags, I discovered some Red Ricinus seeds that I can’t remember who gave me. So chuffed with this find.

And I took out a heatmat that my Dad used to use in his Wine-making days as there is no space left in my heated propagator. Maximum temperature this gets to is 20 degrees so I’m hoping it won’t actually cook the seeds. I’m thinking some seeds might actually do better on this, seems that there will be no condensation??????  

Sowed some Basil, Parsley and Chives, together with the Ricinus and a solitary Musa sikkimensis ‘Himalayan Banana’ (can’t remember who gave me this, but it’s in a seedaholic bag). Thank you, whoever it was. So the day wasn’t spent in total idleness.

Over the last few days R.cilpinense has been featured by Rachel and myself as well as the Irish Garden magazine and We all have sang its praises, but today I show the flowers of the species Rhodo, R.leucaspis which like R.cilpinense can be bud tender and the flowers are easily destroyed by frosts as well, but when the sun shines and the nights are benign, it is a wonderful plant and the flowers are distinctive with their lovely dark anthers. It is a tidy grower as well forming a nice mounded shape. The second shot is of Camellia ‘anticipation’ and what lovely flowers it has. Two great garden plants to be recommended.


I spent most of the day out in the garden and the heat was like a summers day. I am currently working on the left part of my front garden which i have neglected over the years. Just cutting the grass and planted the odd thing here and there but i am going to completely overhall it this year and dig in some borders and dig out the old hedge that is there which i know is going to kill me but will be well worth. Half of it gets sun for a lot of the day the other half is almost full shade so will be fun planting up. Again i am gonna dig so far down and sieve the whole lot to make it easy in the future. The only thing that stopped me was the fact it got dark i would have kept going.

when i started this bed this morning i thought oh no all this scutch grass ahaaggggggggg. finally got a handle on it. from now on the grass wont be an issue it is just this area that seems to be so bad. i dug and dug and dug it drove me insane so i brought out some daffs and crocusus etc and started to plant it up once i had it cleared so that i could be be looking at something and it would keep me focused because to be honest at one stage i was going to go and do some thing else an hour into it, it took 3 good hours to get to where i did which was down to the second tree ( the birch ) on one side just have some more to on the other side to bring it up to the same length on the other side( that is starting to sound like a riddle ) 

well tomorrow i am hoping to go on a garden centre crawl and then come home and do some pruning had enough weeding done until monday need something different to do .

we need this weather to stay with us for a long time it is so glorious  

The sun was back once more here in Carlow. Despite a forecast of sunny weather, we had none since Tuesday  but back again to day. The two areas that had been reclaimed got preference to day. The soil was top class. Some more ground in these areas was dug and the Gladioli and Irises that were bought yesterday were planted, not all, one lot of Gladioli has to go down yet. The place is virtually covered with Ladybirds, never saw so many before, so greenflies beware.

Rivetted to the sofa like no other time. Wahoo!  We are the champions. Great result with the 6 Nations Cup. And the sky this evening was showing Champion colours too.

Happy St. Patrick’s Weekend!

From early this morninng  the sun has been shining here in Waterford and the day warmed up nicely. The snowdrops have almost finished  but the daffodils are looking amazing along with the primulas in their many colours. Had a nice day potting up spare plants for plant sales that are taking place over the next few months in aid of charities. Lots of springs plants are starting to grow in earnest now and it is great to see some colour again in the flower beds. I noticed the magnolia soulangeana is about to flower and this is at least two weeks ahead of normal. It is a lovely time of year and let hope the nice weather lasts for a while. Hope to visit Mount Usher next week as the scillas should be in flower along with lots of other bulbs. Mount Congreve opened today and is open again tomorrow if you are looking for a garden to visit. What ever you are doing for the rest of the weekend enjoy and lets hope Ireland wins this blasted match. LOL.

Cardamine quinqefoliaEuphorbia 'Emmer's Green'Pulmonaria 'Blue Ensign'

It was very overcast this morning but now the sun is out.

Prompted by Jacinta, I potted up my amorphophallus – nine pots, one A. konjac is quite big. Maybe this will be the year that it flowers!

We are off to Dublin now so enjoy your day, however you spend it.

PS Thanks again, Joan, I just love this alpine primrose.

Primula marginata 'Nancy Lucy'