
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "dinky-the-drone"
i recently aquired a load of free pyracantha cuttings but dont have any walls to grow them up, would they do okay amongst a gorse hedge as a bit of a filler and bird friendly food? are they drought tollerant? we are on a dry spot and windy at times too.....what would you do with them??got plenty of space 2 acres of garden!
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I had two phormiums that both looked frazzled by the cold of winter. i phoned my local garden centre who told me to cut them back to ground level. i have done so but am worried what the outcome will be and how long to rejuvenate??

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when is the best time to move dogwood and flowering currant plants, they are only two years old and came from bare root so a spadefull should be ok to move them on........what month and have you any advice?

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I have a fairly large area of my boundary that i planted with evergreen gorse, it has flowered, its in good nick and about 5ft high. last year i trimmed it back and it made it very neat and formal.when is the best time to do so? i want it to get to a max of 7ft but dont want it to get woody and lankey! all advice appreciated. Thanks ,dinky

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my escallonia mccrantha took a real battering from the icy winds, its very brown around the tips. when should i cut it back or should i feed and leave it? quite a few quids worth so i need to make sure its not history!!!!

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i have a three year old escallonia hedge that is maturing very well. when and how often should i trim it?? really when and by how much? i want it to grow to around 4 and a half foot and by 3 wide.please enlighten me.

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