
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "marianne"

There are a couple of stray cats that come into my garden mainly at night. Any ideas of plants or any other ways to keep them out. I have one cat who is inside the house at night.

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I have two Sarcococca plants which are about 4-5 years old. When I bought them, I was told not to prune them, but they are very straggly and I just don't know what to do with them. They are outside the front door in pots and get sun in the morning only.

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I had two beautiful Clematis Montana grandiflora (CM Alba) planted three years ago. Up to this year the two of them were growing well with a beautiful fragrance, then this spring one of them didn't grow any leaves etc, and I think it was because of a dog that moved in next door about 6 months ago, and possibly used the soil at the other side of the fence for a toilet. Is there any point of planting another Clematis, or has the soil been destroyed. If I plant another clematis Is there anything I could add to the soil to prevent the same happening?

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I have attached photo of plant that I have for about 7 or 8 years. It was replanted into a much bigger pot about 18 months ago, and since that, the leaves are getting brown patches and sometimes the full leaf goes brown and dies. It is not in direct sunlight. I water it (and feed it in summer) when the top of the soil feels dry. Is there anything I can do with it at this stage?

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This year I have grown broccoli, which was gorgeous to eat. Now however, when I cut the little off shoots, they are loaded with caterpillars, and even after steeping broccoli in salted water, there are still caterpillars which are so small they are difficult to see, so they end up getting steamed! The leaves are like lace at this point. I am growing more from seed now (they are only at a very early stage yet in a seed tray), but want to avoid steaming caterpillars! Is there a good organic remedy?

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Could you tell me please the most fragrant honeysuckle to grow up a trellis. Is there one without black berries as I have small children playing in garden?

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