
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "osullivan"
Could you possibly identify these plants that are attached?
61 views0 answers0 votes
Could you tell me what this plant is ?
58 views0 answers0 votes
Could you tell me what this plant is?
69 views0 answers0 votes
I have a question as regards a yellow flowering weed thats taking over a lawn. The area is a bit woody. Its flower is similar to the buttercup and its leaves are like the daisy leaf arrangement. its leaves are arrow shaped. Sorry i have no photo available.
46 views0 answers0 votes
Are red ants capable of eating vegetables growing. Just that i have a garden patch fenced off from rabbits. but there is something nibbling the top of my vegetables. Mainly spring onions and parsley. did notice red ants close by!
56 views0 answers0 votes
I recent bought a thyme plant from a local food store. The plant has very soft stems and is not very woody. My question is if I plant this thyme out will it get that bit more woody? Should I harden the plant off first before setting it outside?
60 views0 answers0 votes