
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "spring68"

Anything to kill ivy on shed, it's growing wild.

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I have sowed new potatoes and kerr's pink potatoes in back Garden which has not been sown in years The new potatoes were perfect and clean, they turned out great big and floweryThe Pink potatoes are bit scabby but seem ok to eat, very flowery, What causes the skin to be scabby

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Am I right in saying that pears won't fruit in Galway? Or it dependable on the spring ie frost timing re buddingAlso should I prune my pear tree now as its gone a bit wild?

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see photo enclosed that are growing in a hanging basket Can you tell me what they areI know one is a geraniums but the not sure what they are

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A few years back there was loads of pears on a pear tree but last year there was only one and this year none. There has been loads of flowers every year. Can you please help me as what I should do with it?

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Hi Gerry, see enclosed flower yellow and orange Can you let me know if u know the name of it Thanks Francis

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