
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "suzie"
In our mature garden we both had our “set” chores. My partner, who died last year, was the “pruner” and sadly I was too busy with “my” chores to take a whole lot of notice of his! Last year armed with the pruning book and pruners I set too (carefully) and did what I thought was quite a good job. The tree had produced the most magnificent crop. The week after I’d pruned it all the leaves fell off and it never recovered. Please tell me I didn’t kill it and that p’raps it had come to the end of its natural life!?
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This year I successfully grew several plants of Capsicum annuum ‘Heatwave’. They are huge and very healthy with lots of large dark green peppers. The seed packet described them as a mixture of red, yellow and orange cayenne peppers. There is no sign of any of them turning colour. Will this still happen? It seems to be getting rather late.
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I have a magnificent Magnolia Stellata and equally magnificent Rhododendron Sinogrande that, unfortunately, were planted too close to each other over 10 years ago. They are growing in to each other. One of the two is going to need drastic pruning. Decision time. Am I likely to kill off either of them with heavy pruning and which would you recommend for the major "chop"?

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My beloved cyathea dealbata tree fern (10 years old) looked as though it had succumbed to the fierce cold of the previous few months. I do, however, see some tiny green fronds appearing from the center even though the other old foliage is black and dead. What is the best way to proceed. Should I cut away all the old, black fronds (they look dreadful) or would that cause further stress to the tree?

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Is this Pear Scab Disease? It is only on a few of the pears on my only tree.

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I purchased a young Victoria Plum tree last November and it is doing well. It is a good shape, "wine glass", but is getting very leggy. Can I trim back the long spindly new growth now or must I wait until the autumn?

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