
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

A green jelly like substance is coming up from the ground(typically between the months of July-September each year). No idea what this is or the cause or how to stop it.
45 views0 answers0 votes
When can I harvest my pumpkin? Is it too early to take it up now? I attach a photo. I have another pumpkin growing which is smaller than this one? I would like to take up the pumpkins as I need the space for winter planting.
193 views0 answers0 votes
We appear to have an infestation of vine weevils on one of our trees. we only noticed them because there was alot of wasps around them. we have removed as many of them as we can and used the spray but they keep coming back and usually another batch of them appears the following day but now they are going further up the tree so that we can no longer reach them. The wasps appear very enticed by them and some of them seem to have white bits coming out of them which could be eggs. what could be causing them to attach to this particular tree which is a sally. and how to keep them away. We have issues with some of our pots having the vine weevil larvae in them.
237 views0 answers-1 votes
When is the right time to half ten foot wide hedge? It s 8 foot high.
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If you look at the picture I have on tomatoes you will see that the leaves are somewhat burnt .Is it a fungus?
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I have an old (Not sure how old) red currant bush which produced about 2kg fruit this yr. It has been here since we moved in 2 yr ago. It sits right against the wooden fence in a very close to a gooseberry bush which it completely overpowers (you can hardly see the gooseberry bush) I wanted to move it to different position and prune it along with my other bushes which i have planted last yr. As a novice I planted my black currants raspberries blackberries and gooseberries too close to the fence and to each other. Real mess. When is the best time to move them and how should I choose their location? Should i prune last yr bushes as well? My garden is South West facing and I have few trees as well (Apple, pear, cherry and plum)
225 views0 answers0 votes