
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

Please help. I have roses in containers in a tunnel an there is something eating the leaves it like you would take a snap out of an apple! What could it be? I know its not a snail!
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My rose bush's new leaves have what looks like a white powder on them. See attached picture. Can you please advise what this is and how I might correct it?
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Do any readers know of a home cure or preventative for blackspot on roses. I have been using a proprietary brand but this year the blackspot has been very bad. My New Dawn has now lost all its leaves. Many of the hybrid tea roses look pretty sparse and even roses which have never had blackspot show some evidence. Probably because of the cost I have not been spraying frequently enough but I did think that once the dry weather came we should be safe. Maybe the wet August played a part. A home cure/preventative might be cheap enough to do more frequently as I need 8 litres of spray to cover all my rose beds
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I have 2 roses in a half barrel facing south. One is Dorothy Perkins and covered in mildew. It is growing slowly I have sprayed with Rose clear but no good?
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After 35 years gardening I'm planning to make my first rose garden. I'm thinking of having a row of standards down the centre of a narrowing bed (1m wide by 10m), under- planted with other varities. Any suggestions on what to buy. I'm a complete rose novice!
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I am thinking about planting a bed of roses but am not sure which type to use. I want to plant red and yellow roses. Can you advise if it is better to plant florabunda or hybrid tea roses. Which of these would give better effect. What type of rose would you recommend as there seems to be a significant difference between the cost of rose bushes: varies from €6 and €12? The area that I want to plan the roses in are located at the front north facing side of the house.
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