
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

I have got some rose bushes and would like to know if cold tea is really good for roses?. 
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We had a new (less than 1 year) very patchy lawn which I overseeded over 2 weeks ago. I prepared diligently the existing lawn (aereted, de-thatched etc). I cut the grass fairly tight, laid top-soil then seed down. Gently raked the new seed in. Watered every day, when it wasn't raining. I am still waiting for germination! The problem now is that the existing grass it getting quite long and I can't cut it. Do I just wait it out and hope the new seed eventually germinates?
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I am in the process of preping the ground for seeding, part of which includes drawing in top soil to raise the level by 4". I just have a few questions- • should I add sand to the soil prior to seeding? • should I roll the topsoil prior to seeding (I would presume so to to avoid depressions due to foot traffic when seeding) • what fertilizer if any should I add in conjuction with the seed. I want to do this right, so all advice will be greatly appreciated, or link to suitable webpage. 
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Early last year I found a hole in my front lawn. It was 3½” or 4” in diameter and very neat – no clay or grass around it. It went down about 6” and then seemed to turn and go under the lawn, towards the house. About the middle of the year I packed the hole with small stones (white chips) and topped it off with soil. To my amazement, about two months ago I found the hole back again – still with no clay or grass or white chips around it, but there were some white chips at the bottom of the hole. I presume that the hole was made by some animal. Any idea as to what it might be? I’ve never seen any signs of life near the hole.
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The problem I have is I sowed a new lawn 2 years ago but have had problems with neighbours cattle coming in on lawn ( I have no gate yet) and as a result there is a load of holes in the lawn.What would be the best way to mend this. I have been told to fill holes with topsoil in spring and add grass seed.
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A family of foxes , a mother and 3 cubs come into my garden most evenings, they eat slugs and snails but also dig holes in the lawn and flower beds. Disturbing bulbs in pots. What can I do to get them to leave the garden alone, please help, before the garden is ruined. I love my garden I attach a photo of one of the many holes
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