
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

My garden is very mossy. High trees used to surrounded it, but last Summer I removed them - it now gets more light and sun. I applied 7:6:17 two weeks ago and today used a scarifier and spread lawn seed afterwards on top of the freshly scarified lawn. Was this the right thing to do and is there anything else i need to do now, or just wait? What other feritlisers should I use into the summer? 
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Hi Gerry..I need your advise to improve my lawn which in places is patchy and growth is not good, i put fertilizer down 10-10-20 but for the area to which growth is bad this did not work. Could you please advise if possible solutions and recomendations. For info when my top soil came i was not a good rich soil so maybe this could be one of the reasons.
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Hi recently sown a new lawn thats been down now for 3 months.Parts of the lawn have come up yellow in colour and i have feed it with 7-6-17,is it too soon to feed the lawn after sowing?.and how often can i apply fertiliser to the lawn?can a lawn be over fed?
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Hi Gerry, New to the site and have to say some great advice.I need advice on my newish lawn.I sowed the lawn last april and im not impressed with the results.Some of it is green but most of it is not great at all.Wondering if i should put fertilizer on it or some of them weed and feed products.The lawn is approx 1 acre so will need alot of it.Will try and post pics to show.Should i use a weedkiller and if so what.Getting some more top soil and should i spread it over whats there already.Any advice greatly taken.
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Lawn of approx. one acre. Some poor patches but generally OK. We usually keep it cut short so it looks reasonable, but we have docks, thistles (tight to the ground so mower misses them) and clover and would like to feed and weed now in preparation for winter.
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my soil is not very good and i would like to know what nutrients it needs as i would like to try and have a nice lawn for the summer no matter what i do i just cant seem to get a nice lawn thank you william.
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