
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

I have a lovely angel wings plant which is green and turns red as it get a lot of sun. it also has small pinks flowers. It is growing great but I think there are too many big leaves on it. Can I remove the bigger leaves so that small leaves can have room to grow or will this kill the look of the plant?
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The name of house plant which looks very like a primula or a geranium, please and thanks
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I live in a small flat and would like to know where I can get effective and attractive air cleansing plants.
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I have a phalaeonopsis in a southern exposure window for about 8 months now that has done very well. After the first flowers wilted, I pruned the spike down and got two new offshoots from the spike, each of which carried a full load of blooms for several months. Throughout all this, the plant has seemed very healthy and has grown a couple of new leaves. About 3 weeks ago, just as the second set of blooms were beginning to wilt, new spikes began to develop at the base of the plant. There are now seven growing! There is also one that appeared in the soil several inches from the base of the plant. My questions are: 1) Should I allow all 7 of these spikes to continue to grow or should I prune all except on or two, and if so, should I keep the older (lower) spikes? 2) Is it likely that the spike growing from the soil away from the plant is a baby and if so, how can I determine when the best time is to separate it from the original plant? Any guidance that can be offered would be helpful. I’d love the idea of numerous spikes covered with flowers of course, but don’t know that this is feasable or even a good idea. Anyone run into this before? I am new to growning orchids and this moth orchid is my first attempt.
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I'm trying to source the double flowered "apple-blossom" variety of pelargonium. They're available as plugs or plants from Thompson & Morgan ( )but they don't deliver to Irealnd. I can't find seeds listed in any of the online catalogies. Are they available in Ireland?
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My mother was given a slip of this plant and it has gown very well. Unfortunately we don't know what it is. Can you help please?
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