
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

I am growing cucumbers in my greenhouse. When should I start feeding them ? ..largest ones are 2/3 inches long.
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Loganberries planted in good soil and growing very well on 4ft south-facing wall for 3 years producing abundant growth and flowers but not one fruit. I dont over-feed them. Have no problem with raspberries.
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I have recently planted 2 young pear trees and they seem to be doing well, but I have noticed the presence of much leaf rolling and black tipped leaves (as well as the cluster mites). I followed advice and took off all the badly affected leaves. As long as its not fire blight, do they have a good chance of surviving?
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! planted a new apple tree ( bare root) early this year. started to leaf and produced two trusses of flowers with 5 flower heads on each. When flowers went the little apple buds appeared. however checked one morning to find one complete truss gone. put a mesh on the other one in case it was birds but next morning two gone with one hanging off, eventually the other two went. what can we do to stop this happening next year as out crop is gone for this year?
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Hi Gerry, I’m from Portugal I have a rocky place and want to make a garden. The walls are very rocky and its very expensive to remove them. Should I cover it or tray to make the best of it?
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I recently noticed a white fungal growth on my bluebells, wall and tree trunk in a bluebell bed. It looks like polystyrene beads but when touched it turns to a watery substance. I noticed yesterday that it seems to have consolidated and when the skin was broken it looked like dog sick. What is it and how do I get rid of it?
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