
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open


I have a bright green moss invading my flower beds, it doesn't seem to respond well to roundup, and picking is not very effective as there is too much to use as permanent workaround. Any ideas to kill permanently would be appreciated.

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I transplanted Arum lilies 7 years ago and they flowered OK. In recent years they have flowered less and less and this year only a few flowers. Plenty of green leaves. They are in a south-facing, slightly slopping bed with clay soil. What can be done and what are the ideal conditions for Arum lilies?

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I have some " fungal" growth on my stone pathways. These areas tend to be be very wet. What is it and how can I get rid of it. It's very prolific and returns very quickly when removed.

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Are they sensitive to fertiliser ? I cant remember very well, but chances are l included slow release fertiliser in the hole. I ve grown a few white abutilons from seed. Planted them out in June when quite large plants growing in about a 12 litre pot. Watered well. Ground prepared well. Even though they re in different locations, both of them have withered leaves, any ideas ?

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I have a courtyard garden with shrubs and perennials planted up against its painted fences and masonry walls. The hard surfaces are discoloured by algal and some moss growth.Will you recommend a proprietary cleaner that I might spray onto these surfaces? It must not be too deleterious to plants as it is inevitable that there will be some overspray due to the positioning of the planting.

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Greenfly have managed to get into my tunnel and are going to work on my aubergine plant. I cut off two leaves that were infested, put orange peels around plant and sprayed some greenfly insecticide. The aubergine plant now appears to be wilting/dying and greenfly are popping up in other parts of the tunnel.

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