
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open


We have 5 apple trees, Bramley, Golden Delicious, Coxs orange Pippin, Braeburn, Floweing Crab. There was a a very good crop of blossoms on each tree, which formed small fruits on the long stems, but progressed no further. All of these fell off the 5 trees. We had a great crop last year. Just wondering if there was any infection this year or what could be the possible reason for the lack of crop. What do we need to do to sort it out for next years crop.

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Could you recommend small conifer trees (that will grow to approx 10 ft tall) that I could use for shelter on either side of my house. Both planting strips are approx 40 meters in length but on one side of the house the width of the strip is very narrow, only 2 feet wide, the other side is more generous. For appearance is it better to use the same type on each side of the house ? Also is it possible to mix one or two different types of conifers together and what ratio of one to the other should I use. Looking forward to your reply.

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At school, (2nd level) we have a tunnel, about 20m long with raised beds. Could you give me some ideas on anything transition year students could put in and sell about two weeks before Christmas, and when we could plant. Also could they grow herbs in the tunnel now and lettuce or is it too late. We just want to make some use of it and they can learn so much from this.

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Growing happily for many years. Now has developed a vertical split on main stem, and an area of rot down near the root. Leaves turning yellow, and falling off. Only favourable sign is a couple of green leaves appearing from the root. See photos on my journal. Can the plant be saved?

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I have grown tuberous begonias in pots for the first time this year and was amazed with the height of this magnificent specimen. It is 77 cm (30") tall. Do they usually grow to this height?

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Two large glass sliders look into this from kitchen. I know nothing about gardening. The wire fence is 5ft. There is a little gap between wall and wire. Would bamboo work here and how easy keep is it?

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