
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open


I have a ditch at the end of my garden with whitethorn trees growing along it. The slope of the ditch is very bare (apart from some rocks) and I want to fill the space and add some colour. What are the best types of plants to set in an area like this?

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I would like an identification of these two weed grasses. The first one could be scutch grass but I am not sure.

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my neighbour has asked me to water his pepper plants in his green house whilst he is abroad however the solution of fertiliser and water has now depleted will it be ok to use just water

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I have 2 hazelnut trees in my garden, there are small shoots growing at the bottom of the trees, could i use these shoots to grow more hazelnut trees and if so what would i need to do.

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My Leylandii hedge is turning brown like if it's dying. Can you tell me what might be wrong it's about 18 years sowed?

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I have grass growing up through my heather. The heathers were planted several years ago and we used a black membrane to stop weeds. However the grass is shooting up through it and when it try to pull the grass it breaks and I am unable to get the roots. Do I need to dig it out and start again?

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