
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open


Bamboo trouble. I bought two pots of bamboo at Woodley, it seems to be fading fast. I water it and fertilise it. Leaves turning brown... is it that I need bigger pots .

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i keep finding this white stuff on dead plants in my indoor garden. Is that what is killing my plants? Please see photo attached

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Something is munching my Brocolli plants both those bought as plants and those I have grown from seeds. Doesn't seem to be slugs, cant see any tiny eggs or caterpillars although there are small tracks on the reverse of larger leaves? Might it be Vine Weevel although there are lots of big bits from the edges of leaves as well as the middle? The photos below give you a better idea, some of the larger plants have had whole leaves devoured while others have survived attacks, my seedlings are coming on and it looks like they will be victims as well 🙁

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Can I plant daffodils under a mature magnolia? They are not doing well in pots, but I am afraid I might damage roots of magnolia Stellata as they appear close to surface. Thank you

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A few years ago I set Photinia Red Robin and Pink Marble hedge mix of 2:1 respectively. Unbeknownst to me, the Red Robin is a quicker grower and has crowded out the Pink Marble and as a result there are slight gaps where the Pink Marble is.Should I leave things as they are or should I replace the Pink Marble for Red Robin in the autumn? Is there anything you could suggest to help the current issue? Also, in your opinion which is the best fertilizer to use and when. (I used well-rotted horse mature spring 2014 and it seemed fine)

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I planted some hoheria trees last year but the leaves have some type of fungal disease. There are small black spots on the underside of the leaves, the leaves turn yellow and fall off. I sprayed with Rose Clear Ultra and it definitely helped but the problem seems to be returning again. Do I need to keep spraying or should I replace the trees? Any advice would be appreciated. thanks.

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