
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "170820092"

I wish to move my sambucus to a different part of the garden. its growth has been affected by the strong winds of late. should i prune it back very hard and should i do this before or after moving?

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I want to start preparing my garden for winter.. do i need to put down compost AND mulch and if so which do i do first? which is the best compost and mulch to get?

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I have two different types of stipa - feathertail and golden oats - can i divide these and when? also do they need feeding and when?

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i have a large bed full of perennials that as they've grown i've realised are not in the correct positions i.e. taller ones in the front and colour combinations not working.. when could i take them all out and reposition them? i would also like to divide some of them while i have them out of the ground but this is not essential. many of the plants are only one or two years old.. CAN i actuallly divide them when they are still so young?

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i have two flowering quinces that aren't doing well in the spot they're in.. when can i move and prune them?

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I have a large and very beautiful euphorbia that is flowering right now. unfortunately it is encroaching on my coronet apple tree and it has green fly and i need to spray it so i've concluded i need to move it. when can i do this? i've heard they are difficult to move and i would be loath to lose it as its a really gorgeous specimen.

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