
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "alan-s"

i have a pauls scarlet for about 7 years. it flowers brilliantly but it never seems to have anchored itself properly. it has always been staked. last year i got a jcb to put down a post to support it to and it has been great but i know from the look of it that it is still not anchored. what can i do? it is about 11 foot tall

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Some of the tulips I planted this year seem to be stunted and badly eaten-leaves and flowers. Some flowers are at ground level-some dont even seem to have leaves. Any advice?

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when is the best time to plant tulips? its late september now....

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For some reason my septic tank is slap bang in the middle of my back lawn. i'd like to hide it but not sure if i can plant directly over it. what do you think? a few Taxus Summergold maybe and a tall conifer?

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can hosta be divided in autumn?

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My peony has finished blooming - its early August- and i wonder if it should be tidied up/pruned or should i leave it?

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