
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "craigk"
I have a Chusan palm tree for ten years it’s about 10ft high. Every year I cover it with a fleece bag but it’s so high it will be very hard to do. is it hardy.
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I planted white hydrangea, after 2 weeks the leaves turned white and the stalks just collapsed..what could be the cause?
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My son in law has a Red Robin tree in the garden of his recently bought house in Swords, so we can’t tell how old it is. It is about 8 ft tall. He asked me about it today as it has black spot on the green leaves and the new red leaves are shrivelled and crispy, but not falling off. The spots are black and not red which makes me think it is not the disease that this tree can get. Could it be from the recent cold winds or frost? Would appreciate your advise.
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An unusual tree? Seems to be two species in one. Any idea what it might be.
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Would like to install a row of pleached lime trees along the side passage of my house where there is a 1m space between boundary wall and house wall. Would buy these trees from a nursery, they are 8 foot tall at present. Is this feasible?
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Hi Gerry,I am hoping you can identify the plant in the photo. Its pale yellow flowers have just appeared. The leaves have a lovely scent when they’re rubbed. It has woody stems. If I know what it is hopefully I can take care of it.
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