
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "culloville"

From my dahlia plant in pot 1 branch broken which has many leaves , flowers and buds. Can I regrow that branch into a new plant after applying rooting powder and plant into a pot?

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I have a red hydrangea which normally blooms well. This year however, it has not done at all well. At the moment, it has a whitish mildew on many of the leaves, also it seems to have spider web in many of the leaf clusters with myriad little white mites in the webs and the flowers are almost all decaying without having fully bloomed. Can you please advise on problem and any possible solution.

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I have Damson and Victoria Plum trees planted in County Monaghan . Both are Prunus domestica variety and are 8 years old. Last year was the first year that I had fruit , none before that and none this year. I'm told it was the late frost this year. Is there a more suitable variety that's not so prone to early or late frost?

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Please recommend disease free, sweet eating and also cooking apples trees for location in County Monaghan. I have finally thrown the towel in on trying to grow Cox Pippins despite spraying for scab etc. at recommended times. Little or no success with them after 6 years

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I have a problem each year with my lilac plants, in county Monaghan. The leaves turn brown and curl up and fall off. It appears from previous "Ask Gerry" questions by others that it may be honey fungus damage. What is the treatment for this condition.

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I have a peony tree which is about 12 years old. It is about 4/5 feet tall and looks very healthy. The front of the house is near the sea but the peony is in a small walled back garden and gets the sun from about 11o'clock until 3 o'clock. Over the years, the number of blooms has increased steadily to last year when there were about twelve lovely flowers. This year there are two buds only. These look very healthy and are about to burst into bloom but there are no others in sight. Have you any idea why there are so few blooms this year? I've never pruned the tree, just allowed the flowers to die back and then removed the dead heads at a later stage. I usually apply a mulch of farmyard manure (shop bought) around the base in early Spring. Is there something I can do to ensure better results next year?

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