
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "evelyn1979"

After three years of anticipating a beautiful yellow flowering Laburnum I have had nothing. But this year it looks a little different. Do you think it is going to produce a blossom if so what month does this usually happens thank you

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is it to late to move this white beam

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My darling 4 year old boy took a hammer to a newly planted somewhat mature tree I believe is a red oak or beech. It is badly damaged should I wrap it with something it was planted last autumn so I hope it survives. Do you think it is currently alive?

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I've purchased hydrangeas two were blue one pink and one white the following year all plants just turned pink. I was told it is the soil, but if you go down to Clonakilty you will see pink hydrangea beside a blue hydrangea next to a beautiful purple hydrangea growing wild how is this the case. an old man told me to take up one of my hydrangeas which we did and bury old iron chains and horseshoes and this would insure the blue colour we are yet to find out . It has just started to leaf.

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I have moved some fruit bushes from my late fathers garden and transplanted to my own the following day. I think gooseberry and raspberry and blackcurrant from what I can remember. I cut them back to about 4 feet. Do you think they will survive as I am unsure how much of the root I got. I also would like to ask you how do I kill grass around the bushes?

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I have a pink horse chestnut tree planted 3 years now which leaves up ok but wont produce blossom. it has plenty of light and good soil. Have you any suggestions please. The same applies for my laburnum and my wisteria. I'm not doing too well with my non colourful plants!

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