
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "jacb"

One of the horse chestnuts in the garden died this past winter, and now this one looks like this, which could be early autumn normal activity but I feel it's too early (this started in mid-August) and wonder if it could be chestnut blight I've heard about. If so, is there anything that we could do to save it?

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This monarda we bought last year was helathy and flowering but seems to be struggling; I've given it plenty of water and it's in a courtyard which gets afternoon sun; anything I can do for it?

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The sambucus nigra in the garden hasn't been happy these past few years; we've tried pruning, then not pruning but nothing has helped. The leaves have some brown marks on, probably not distinguishable in the photo.

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An otherwise healthy-looking Aralia in the garden now has this leaf curl; is that just because of the dismal summer that we've had or something more sinister?

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A pear tree, planted 3 years ago, looks really healthy and produced flowers this year but they didn't develop into fruit. Should we have pollinated them by hand, perhaps?

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This lovely plant is growing wild at the bottom of the garden and I'm wondering if I can move it into the garden proper.

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