
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "saldaisy"

My lavender of about 6 years is gone "all over the place". It smells nice in Summer but the shape doesn't vaguely resemble a circle and there's also tall grass growing up throughit. Is it time to dig it up and replant a new one or is there something I can do to save it?

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I planted busy lizzies outside in pots in mid April. The leaves have shrivelled and become discoloured and I fear that frost may have been the cause although I don't remember any frosty nights since planting. I didn't put any fertilizer in the pots,- just used the pots of potting compost which I used last year. If I should have used fertilizer or the like, could you please recommend a product as I am relatively new to gardening and seem to put in an awful lot of effort but don't always get results!

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I love hostas but when I plant them they're always eaten by slugs or snails. Any advice, other than slug pellets? Are there any similar plants that don't attract slugs?

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