
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open


I am growing some tomato plants in a polytunnel (first year) and one of them seems to have developed a problem. The leaves at the top have become rather crispy and shrivelled. The rest of the leaves seem to be fine albeit slightly leathery. None of the other plants have this problem and seem to be growing well. I always keep the soil adequately watered but not soaking wet.I gave it a feed about 2 weeks ago when the flowers started appearing and it looked in really good condition at the time. As you know the weather recently has been quite cold so I was wondering if the temperature fluctuations could have had an adverse effect. Someone has also suggested possible damage to the roots.

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I'm trying to identify an insect I found in my polytunnel. Can you tell me what it is and what problems if any that it may cause? I have attached a photo of the small red bug.

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Is it too late to start growing blueberries?

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Just a quick query about my laurel hedge its along the side of my house some more exposed than others exposed ones have taken a battering with leaves falling of where the others have grown good do you think the leaves will come back the branches are still green fed them chicken manure in march should i feed them again this year.

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Last year, we appeared to have a batch of ground wasps in our lawn. They were brown, small and came up from the soil through tiny funnel like entrances/exits. They were gone by the end of June/early July, but they are back. How can I get rid of them so they don't return next year? They appear to be in greater numbers this year.

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Just re-designed garden in formal style, buxus pyramids & balls. Would like to plant slow growing, compact evergreens with colour between. Any suggestions please ?

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