
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open


Very old apple tree (100 + yrs old) was pruned too hard to allow light to house, 3 parts of trunk cut straight across leaving main trunk and 3 stumps. It sprouted briefly afterwards but this year it seems totally dead. Twigs are dry and brown. Is there any way to save the tree? Was thinking of digging around base and applying some fertilizer/mulch to encourage growth.

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I planted a Elaeagnus x ebbingei hedge 2 years ago. It has always had these insects on it and I kept them at bay by individually washing the leaves. But now it is too big and is suffering badly! There are about 16 plants and all affected. Myrtles in between are fine. Leaves have yellow patches on upper side and grey/ black powder on underside. Insects also on underside. White waxy stringy deposits on tips of branches during summer.

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My Magnolia has a central stem with rot. Should I go extreme and prune it hard to save the plant? I noticed an earwig in the hole last year too.

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I planted photinia hedge spring 2013. I probably plante half and then finished it 2 months or more later!! so the second half of the hedge didn't get as good a start unfortunately. I have pruned it well twice yearly since to thicken it well. The good half is beautifully thick but the other half is weak and lower 🙁 I will feed it now with shrub feed but when pruning in April/may will i prune the weaker side harder to promote more vigorous growthwill it ever catch up??

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I'm planning planting some Laurel and was wondering what sort of nutrient or fertiliser I should use - I'm told lime and some moss peat is good.

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Please recommend disease free, sweet eating and also cooking apples trees for location in County Monaghan. I have finally thrown the towel in on trying to grow Cox Pippins despite spraying for scab etc. at recommended times. Little or no success with them after 6 years

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