
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open


I mulched my apple trees this winter with well rotted horse manure. But then I heard that this is not a good thing to do because it promotes too much soft growth. Should I remove the mulch?

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Can you recommend a cost effective garden edging about 12" to 18" tall that I can use to keep blackbirds digging out mulch from flower beds & scattering onto the grass. Very large area to do.

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After lots of looking decided I like look of Escallonia hedge. I like the small dark leaves and flowers. I rang a few nursery's and they have said Escallonia is getting a disease. Is it worth risking going ahead and buying it or am I better off going for something else.What would you recommend? It is for a large front Urban garden to give us privacy.

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I'm looking for a Cherry Tree recommendation. 1) Tasty cherries 2) Mid sized - pref 3 metres approx height and bushy. Any suggestions? Also - Will birds devour the lot or will I be left with at least half the produce? I'm prepared to net the tree if necessary.

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Included is a photo of something that comes overnight, it is weird, I have a small dog and would it be harmful if she ate it.

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When raking up some leaves today I came to a pile of sycamore leaves. Most of these have black spots on them. My question is: Is it ok to add them to my leaf compost heap? Or is this a fungus that will infect plants where the leaf-mould is used?

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