
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open


Recently in 'The Irish Garden' I saw a recommendation to prune a daphne. I had always believed any cutting of a daphne was wrong, even cutting flowers. Please advise, should I prune daphnes now? Thanks and happy new year.

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Two years ago I damaged the bark on this tree in September, it bled badly and the leaves browned and dried up that autumn with no colour at all. The same seems to be happening this year, nothing like the normal colour display, very little flower on it this year and once again leaves drying and just going brown as in the photos. Any ideas of the problem? Many thanks Fran.

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I have an Echium of about 1.20 metres in my garden which shall flower next year. How canI protect it from frost? It will only tolerate up to minus 3 Celsius as I read in one of my books. I heaped some earth around its base and popped a huge plastic bag over it as minus 5 are forecasted for tonight. Oh fright! Would a horticultural fleece do a better job or even bubble wrap?

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I have sowed new potatoes and kerr's pink potatoes in back Garden which has not been sown in years The new potatoes were perfect and clean, they turned out great big and floweryThe Pink potatoes are bit scabby but seem ok to eat, very flowery, What causes the skin to be scabby

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A friend told me she wanted to tidy her garden and cut her lilies down as they looked very uglyafter flowering. Now she is worried that it might have been wrong and would damage the plants. As I have no lilies myself I could not answer her. The lilies are the ones with leafs directly on the flower stem.

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Part of our garden in being overrun by Russian Vine which is coming from a neighbour's garden. Our bamboos are being strangled and the vine is scrambling through the tree canopy. No sooner do we take it back to the boundary than it returns. Our neighbour invited us to chop it back on his side but it is rooted in an impassable thorny thicket. I don't like using chemicals but I'm desperate! Any ideas?

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