
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open


Can you tell me what this flower is? It look like a shamrock 3 leaf with yellow flowers. Not sure if it a real flower or a weed

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We have a beech hedge in front and back garden, it is covered in something like greenfly. At the moment cannot even trying cutting it, as there are millions of these flys on it. What would you suggest, we have tried spraying with suddy water, and spray to kill greenfly cannot remember the name of the spray, but because there are so many, nothing seems to work.

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i have this tree planted about 7 years. the blooms are beautiful in maythe leaves however are yellowing but the main concern is that the leaves are not very numerous. tbh it seems to be in trouble. the small branches are delicate looking and unhealthy. i suspect that there is builders rubble directly underneath. there are other trees and shrubs growing very contentedly beside it. should i transplant later in year?

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I have a lovely large shrub of Daphne bholua "Jacqueline Postill" which has sent up suckers all around for the first time this year. I would like to pot up some and would like to know when I should do this? Also should I remove the rest? The mother plant is ringed with them, all along the root lines. During the recent hard winters a couple of branches died and I cut these out. I hope this does not herald the end of my daphne.

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I have a wide double row beech hedge. How and when can I cut it back severely ? One row grows towards the front, and the other to the back. The middle of the hedge is like an empty "tunnel".If I cut back one side I will leave the trees on that side with hardly any leaves. Would there be a danger that this may kill the row, or should I remove one row altogether ? It has become difficult to trim as it's about 6 ft.6in. tall and about 4 ft.6in. wide in places.

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The above tree, southern beech, was blown over a year ago. Its about 4 to five meters tall. I pulled it back up and staked it firmly. Its growing quite well but recently the tie broke. I fixed it I feel without the staked support it will fall over again. Can I dig it up and replant it so that it will have a firmer base? It has a lot of sentimental value as well as being a nice tree.

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