
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "culloville"

I have 2 damson and 2 plum trees. They are 6 years old. They have grown fairly profusely but little or no fruit . Only a single damson and a single plum last year. I have planted a new damson and plum tree last year of different variety in case pollination problems. There is an old damson tree close by and it bears fruit each year . What do you think is wrong?

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I planted 2 rows of hawthorn shrubs last year on hillside entrance laneway. They are 2 feet high now but weeding is very labour intensive . Row length is 100ft. I'm advised to place pearmeabile plastic sheeting along rows to suppress weeds. They say rainwater will get through but I'm worried because of medium gradient of hillside. I'm concerned that plant will be starved of rainwater. Can you please advise?

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I need advice on my Cox's Pippin apples trees- 4 of them. A significant amount of the leaves turn brown and fall off each year. There are about 5-6 years old. I sprayed with Dithane this year and it only helped a little. I have read that I should spray with a dormant oil in early spring along with a fungicide. Can you please advise. I have planted another single tree of a different variety in case there may also be a pollination problem because to date only a few apples have appeared on the trees . This year there were none. I sent soil samples to Teagasc and they advised to to add lime as the Ph was very low.

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I have had some good success this year with poppies and now have several withered stalks with seed heads. Should I collect the seeds and plant them or should I leave them to reseed naturally? If I should collect and plant, when should I do this?

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