
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

My site is very wet waterlogged clay soil, prone to flooding, surrounded by fields with rushes. There is an exposed site directly in front of the house about 20 feet away. What trees or shrubs would you recommend that would act as a barrier/shelter without growing too high? The site is surrounded by ditches and mature ash trees.
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Is the green holly, Ilex aquifolium, male or female?
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I want to plant a creeper that will be colourful for most of the year. I have a south-west facing gable end wall. Can you suggest a creeper that will have flowers on it during the summer months please and that will also look well & possibly colourful when not flowering?
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I have a gabion structure acting as a retaining wall in front of my house (see pic). It's approx 50M long and tapering from 2M at one end to 4M at the other.Can you suggest a plant (or plants) with some colourthat I can plant at the base, that will grow it's way to the top.
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I was thinking of planting about 15 or so wych elm trees along a wall in a field. I heard that they are less prone to attack by Dutch elm disease than other elms but I was still wondering if it is a good idea to plant them. Is there another type of elm that's not prone to Dutch elm disease? If it is safe to plant them how far apart should I space them? What type of soil suits the elm?
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A friend wants to grow Goji berries & I remember hearing or reading something about the plant bringing blight into the garden if grown with or near potatoes but I cant actually recall the correct info.
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