
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "fons"

When would be the best time to put out wild flower seeds of e.g. poppies or teasel, now or in spring?

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My small-type weeping willow, fully grown now, was torn apart under its two forking stems three years ago. I tied the two parts together and it is surviving well. I also nailed two metal strips over the joint, and the bark starts to grow over them now. Should I remove (with some damage) and replace the strips? Thanks, and regards.

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A lot of what I think is called livermosses (Conocephalum con., Lunularia cruc. etc.) are growing between my bedding plants and covering large patches of soil. How bad is that? Should I remove them? How?

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In one of your answers about raspberries you say the plants should be replaced after 15 years. D.G.Hessayon ('Fruit Expert') says that would be 8 years. Can there be such avariance?

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I'm not sure about the questions/answers regarding conifer pruning. Spring is best time, September 2nd best? I pruned mine (Cupressus ariz. Fastig. Aurea) earlier this year, within the green tips, but it develops more and more brown at the surface.

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Books etc. indicate a certain time for pruning trees and shrubs. 'Directly after flowering', 'In early winter', and the like. What bad things happen when I deviate from it? For instance, when I prune in spring: Only less flowers next year?, or when I prune my weeping willow now in stead of in wintertime? serious risk of fungus damage, or ....? Regards ,Fons

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