
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

cerise flowers ,rubbery to feel ,about 6 ft tall
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I have a very large lawned area of circa 2.5 acreas. Our house is a two story house set back 120 meters from an very quiet road. As you look at the house from the road I have post and rail fence on the from circa 70m accross. On the left boudry ditch I am fortunate to have a line of old oaks. On the righ I have post and rail fence. The length of the site is circa 300 meters and i have a hedge growing at the back of our house so that I dont have to mow the whole site. Thanks We have an 'S' shaped drive way from the road to our house.All of the drive way on left and right is in a lawn.Because of the substantive space I am looking to create an old feel to the driveway incorporating perhaps laurels, Rhods' and a mix of suitable larger srubs. The lower the maintenance the better.Our soil is clay soil so presently because of the good weather it gets extremely dry and hard. In wet wetter it gets water logged and ver very heavy.Can you suggest a range of suitable srubs/trees suitable for this site? Also is there any 'heritage' type designer I could approach to discuss this in more detail? Many Thanks and best Regards Richard Riordan
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We live on a high, very windy site 4 miles from the Atlantic coast. Too high a shelter belt would obstruct sea views - though we have hedges (elaeagnus) which have reached 4 to 5 ft in height. Can you suggest plants which would survive in such site? We would like some high plants for one particular area.
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I am planning on pleaching four Almond Trees in Tipperary. Can you tell me would Almond Trees thrive or indeed survive in Tipperary given the fact that we have pretty severe frost there each winter.
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I have exposed a dividing trellis between self and neighbour, i removed a shed. I would like to grow a dwarf tree or tall rush like screen. immediately in front of the shed that once was is a buddha feature using rocks and shaped screen. my place is TINY! suggestions welcomed.
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I am a fan of heathers and am disabled. i would like to grow a few variations in a limited colour scheme and have some colour over winter and also again in summer. I plant to plant out a few pots of various heights and sizes, maybe six or eight in number. when would i plant up and what suggestions of 'make' (!) you can tell i am a beginner.
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