
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

Is it possible to keep leylandii under control by cutting it twice a year? i have a half acre site with the boundary on average 35 ft away from my house? im afraid to put hedging in again because of the harsh winters.
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I want to replace a frost burnt hedge What is a fast growing replacement? Thinking of a variagated holly!
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Wondering how hardy Magnolias are? Lost many plants in last two winters. Tried a Magnolia years ago and lost it. Heard Stellata is the hardiest. Would you recommend that I forget about them in Donegal or give one another go?
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Can you suggest some evergreen shrubs which are frost hardy. I have an avenue leading to my house and a lot of the shrubs have died because of the very bad winters we have had.
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I live very close to the sea and sometimes get salt laden winds. My question is will Pyracantha grrow well in these conditions or is it inadvisable to plant it.
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how do you identify the male viburnum? If a plant has pollen, it has male parts, such as stamens and anthers.
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