
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "osullivan"

Recently I took a few cuttings from my plants in the garden. The cuttings themselves had some roots attached.I potted them up and watered and placed them in a make -shift cold frame.Question: Is this Cold frame idea a good way of trying to grow plants and if so what procedures should I take in order to maintain healthy plants?

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I have recently taken soft wood cuttings. The procedure I took to plant them was as follows: I dipped them in hormone rooting powder then put them in a pot of compost.I then added water to firm.I then covered the pot with clear polythene bag and sealed with a elastic band.My question is: Should I water the cuttings every day or leave the pot alone sealed in the polythene bag?

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Is it possible to eradicate nettles and thistles from an area of ground by just pulling them up and strimming them down so that grass will take over?

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Is it safe to use seaweed as a fertilizer on dug ground for a vegetable plot?Does the seaweed contain the necessary minerals needed to enrich the soil? Should I dig seaweed into the soil if it is okay to use?

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Hello Gerry!I just have one question which is .i have a septic tank and on a windy day if walking along road you can get a slight bad odour . Is there any fragrance smelling plant which you could plant near or around safely? would lavander do or is there another easy maintenace plant you could suggest?

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