
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

I've recently had some tall plum trees uprooted which has left the garden desolate. Could you suggest some low maintenance evergreen shrubs to fill the space. I was thinking of a few small fuschia along one side (how high would a dwarf one grow, if there's such a thing?). Or alternatively, how high would holly grow? I don't want to end up with anything over 6 or 7 ft. I was also thinking of a trellis with some evergreen climbers. Would jasmine and clematis yield nice flowers in Summer and stay green for the Winter? I welcome any advice,- whatever I sow has to be extremely low-maintenance as my back has given up on me.
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small oil tank within sight of patio, please suggest plant or shrub grouping to help hide from view without using trellis. soil damp, heavy, sunlight in evening only, small child using garden so child friendly plants only. dont want plants to grow too high or bushy, need to access tank also. tank on raised platform so plants can grow upwards to about 3ft.
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Where can I find plants native to Ireland that are good for birds and insects? I have a small back garden which is fenced in and would like a border with large shrubs for wildlife as much as is possible in a suburban back garden.
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Suggestions for shrubs to complement a silver birch tree. It is a small space within a limestone wall at base of birch tree, only tree providing shelter to the space. needs colour, one of the first things seen when parking in front of house. diameter 8ft circumference 16ft Have snowdrops and red tulips planted
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I need to replace a big space occupied by a 30 yr old Griselinia stand alone shrub 10ft across, 10 ft tall that died this winter. Any suggestions on filling this large gap that happens to be located in front of septic tank. South West facing.
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I have an area measuring 35 x 6 metres, oval in shape and it on a slope. very open to wind. Just need advice on what to grow on the entire area that will be low mainteance.
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