
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

We would like some advice on choosing a suitable small tree for a windy front garden between N11 and Redcross, Co. Wicklow. At present we have an Acer Rufinerve planted on the site. It is not thriving as the wind is breaking the young branches and tearing off the leaves. It never gets a chance to show any autumn colour. Our soil is neutral and good.
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I plan to plant mixed climbers to grow up a 4ft concrete wall on top of which is 4ft sunlap fence so the total height of wall is 8ft and the length of wall is 39 ft long (6ft of it at the end is on shallow sloping dry ground) and my question is how to I prepare the ground and which climbers are best for a wall of 8ft high and also how should I go about planting the climbers? Should I dig a planting hole for each one and how spaced out should the climbers be OR should I did a trench/bed all along the base of the lenght of wall?
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Im looking for a name of a tree,i think it might be an acer,its the first to take on its autumn colours this year,a lovely gold and redish colour,see alot of them planted driving into wexford town.
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My lawn is a blank canvas with the exception of two recently planted mature trees - Birch and Beech. I want to begin by planting a series of trees along the west facing perimeter of my garden. Site is exposed, I live in a limestone region and I love trees. Garden centre has recommended, Mountain Ash, Hornbeam, Hawthorn, Alder, Crabapple, and Whitebeam. Your advice as regards the above recommendations would be appreciated.
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We have an external courtyard at the centre of our house which gets no direct sunlight to ground level. What trees or plants would be suitable for decorative purposes in this shaded but very sheltered area?
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I was told that this shrub (about 4 ft tall) is Drimys but looking for your take on it. It's in a dry semi-shady spot and obviously not thriving (it never flowers) and I've never been successful at propagating it. Is it Drimys and is it too big to be moved?
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