
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open


I recently bought a Pernettya Tige but I don't know anything about it, can you please give me some information on this shrub!?

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My garden turns into a swamp in winter. Water doesn't seem to drain from the gass with the result that there is a lot of moss in the grass. There was plastic around the perifery of the garden which I have recently pulled up. It appears that the soil under the plastic is only muck. Should I rotavate the garden and can you give me any ideas on how to deal with the drainage problem ?

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I potted some clippings from hedgeing, some didnt take. What can I use that mosspeat for?

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My clematis has wilt can it be saved or do i discard it and start again?

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I have an azalea in tub flowers very well did so this year but now is all brown and looks dead. Can i do something to save it or throw it out?

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my gladioli flowers have white spots read about it said to dig bulbs and cover in fungicide powder for the winter but cant find one captan 50 do one but it should be diluted in water any ideas.

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