
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open


I planted a willow hedge in early March. The willows were on average 6ft tall when planting. i can see now that they are about 9 ft or more but the leaves are starting to turn yellow and die. I have other willow trees and this is not happening to them and it much too early for them to be wilting for autumn. the ground is plenty wet and i can see the other willows thriving on the soil type. Are they too tall, should i prune them back now?

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Can you tell me know what the tallest sunflower is in Ireland? i cant find an answer any where please.

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I recently bought three garden mums which i planted in containers. I am deadheading now to allow the new blooms underneath to grow. I am wondering how i should care for these over the winter please.Do i leave in containers or plant into the ground? Thank you

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I have grown Butternut Squash for the first time this year. How do I know when they are ready? Do they turn yellow once they get picked or do I have to wait for them to turn yellow before picking? Any advice would be appreciated.

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I bought a ginger plant at Farmleight plant fair yesterday thinking i could grow it outside in my "tropical plant style" bed but have found it hard to find any information on the plant and what little i have found seems to indicate that it IS a tropical plant that likes warmth and humidity which obviously i can't provide here on the canal in Dublin i.e. windy and grey and rainy. Could you tell me please whether or not i can grow it outside? If not as i don't have a greenhouse would it be ok in a bathroom that gets a lot of light and which is centrally heated but i could keep bowls of water around and spray it regularly?? i'd be upset if i couldn't keep it as its a beautiful plant and i paid 25 euro for it!

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Can you please tel me what could i plant in my garden this time of the year August for the Spring? I have grown Sweet Peas in my conservatory is it ok to plant them outside they are beginning to flower?

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