
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open


This year my pot grown Brugmansia has all yellow leaves instead of green.The yellow flowers are abundant. I have tried various fertilizers without success.

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can you please tell me what vegetable i could plant in the garden now?

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Is it safe to use plums from a tree where some fruit have brown rot.

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Is there a weed killer which can be used in the wet? I need to kill off weeds & grass in my drive way but it's so wet here at the moment my wife is wondering if it will ever be done.

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I have just bought an Anigozanthus elegans (Kangaroo Paw) and I am curious as to how to look after it. Is it hardy in Ireland or should I leave it in a pot and take it in during the winter? Any relevant information on its care would be most welcome.

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What uses, if any, can be made of spent potting compost, e.g that used to grow annual flowers in containers?

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