
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open


when should i plant blackcurrants, blueberries, redcurrants, gooseberries, apples, plums and cherries? where is a good place to buy?

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During the last week my Dahlias shoots are turning yellow. To date I have been very sucessfull growing Dahlias.

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What's happened? We have a small orchard with old fruit trees (in Cheshire) including plums and cherries (plus apples etc). Many trees, including some that have always had plums on them before and some that have always had cherries on are now full of ripe fruit that looks exactly like largish cherries (colour, shape, skin) but they have the texture and taste of plums.

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I have three vines in the greenhouse in pots, all growing well but they are not bearing any flower stems at all. This is their second year, and I was told that maybe there is a problem with the soil ph what is the best fertiliser to use to give the vines the right conditions to produce flowers? The varieties I have are Bianca, Rembrandt, and Boskoop glory. Thanks

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My broad beans flowered but now seems to be dying off, what is the cause what can i do for future prevention?

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I am new to gardening and recenty planted two campanula bernice under a red robin standard tree in our back garden which is east west facing. I planted them on the sunnier side of the gaden. I've been giving them a liquid feed once a week but they don't look very happy! The flowers seem to get sticky and die off before they open? Any ideas what could be the problem?

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