
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open


I sprayed my earlies with Dithane once how soon can I harvest them after this spraying. It has not stopped the blight and I now want to harvets all the crop affected to prevent the blight getting to the roots.

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I have been growing Courgettes for a number of years now and have some success, but some failures. Some of the courgette form and start to grow, but then begin to rot from the flower end when they are quite small. Out of about 10 courgettes this year, so far I have had three that grew well. I am growing them in pots, outdoor, and water them every night. I grow them from seed and vary the variety from year to year, but the same thing happens. Can you help, please?

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What flowers can I plant now that will flower and be 3 foot high by the last week of August?

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My new lawn(about 3/4 acre) was sown the beginning of June this year and has come up well in some places but patchy in others.The ground seems to be quite dry however and I can still see seeds that haven't sprouted.Should i water it in the evening time during this dry weather or will the sparse showers forecasted be enough?Would watering improve it?Can it be over-watered?

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can hellebore leaves be cut right back at this time of year-june?

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I have a Yucca tree 2yrs now, and its leaves are dead and looks scorched although i kept it indoors & watered when necessary. Is there any way i could bring it back to life again?

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