
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open


I have 2 Azaleas. One has flowered fabulous, the other just barely has some. They have been treated exactly the same. Could it be something to so with the position of the pots that they are in. Can they be pruned and if so when is the best time? Many Thanks Kizzy

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I planted 2 magnolia trees in Feb of this year, they are showing no signs of life yet, they havent a leaf between them, do you think they could of died, is there anything I can put on them to revive them.

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I have a rhododendron, its in its 3rd year, this year all the leaves went brown and fell off, the stem of it is still green, what can I do to stop it dying.

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Please can you tell me how to protect my Echium fatuosum from frost.

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My Dad has Blackcurrant bushes which for the third year in succession have flowered and before fruits form they fall to the ground, any suggestions as to what the problem might be?

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My neighbours on both sides are growing ivy [which i hate] is there any way to discourage it from coming into my garden without actually killing it.

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