
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open


I'm looking for something to plant under a green Cordyline for a bit of spring/early-summer interest. There's a yellow-green Euonymus to the left of it, Hypericum Hidcote behind, spring-flowering Spirea to the right. I thought something low with a blue flower might fit in nicely. Any suggestions for what might fit the bill?

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my broccoli(which were mistakenly sold as cabbage)are growing well but they have yellow flowers like rape seed flowers. they also have very small purplish broccoli-type flowers. is this normal?

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I have and my father before me, tried to deal with pear midge on a very old pear tree in our garden (over 100 years old). The pear tree flowers profusely and produces 'pearlets' but many if not most of them have been invaded by pear midge which rots out the centre and the 'pearlet' turns black drops off and dies. Is there anythjing I can spray with to prevent this happening in the future. When the pears come to maturity they are wonderful and store very well.

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I am living outside Ennis in Co. Clare for a number of years and over that time I have lost several trees to the prevailing winds. I am wondering in the Lombardy Poplar would help create some shelter or what other Tree might suit. My soil is CLAY (very wet in winter and very dry during summer, when we get it) I have lost Laburnums, Purple Maple and the latest have been some ornamental rowan. My neighbour next door couldn't keep a tree until I built my house, now it provides the shelter his garden needs.

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There are large patches of moss in my lawn that are resistant to ferrous sulphate. I have treated this moss each year with ferrous sulphate. The treatment has no effect and the moss keeps spreading. Have you any idea as to how I might get rid of it.

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I would like to make a start on my garden the problem i have is it gets water logged when its rains i can't afford expensive drainage or hire any machinery hand tools only at the moment, its also very stony but does get the sun all day on nice days what would grow in those conditions or is there anything i can do cheaply to improve these conditions

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