
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open


I erected a 60cm white fleece around my carrots to prevent carrot fly. Unfortunately, where the carrot bed is situated, the white fleece is a bit of an eyesore. Ignoring the fleece, I have a timber wall surrounding my carrots (as a result of a raised bed) about 6'' high which obviously won't prevent carrot fly. To keep the peace in my house, I want to lay the fleece on to top of the carrots supported by the wooden sides. In other words, my carrot bed will be surrounded by 6'' high walls of wood with the fleece forming a roof over the carrots. I'm assuming that the fleece will still keep the carrot fly out but my concern is that the fleece will block out needed sunlight. It's normal white semi-transparent fleece one buys in a gardening shop etc. What do you think? Rgds

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I have a tree peoney (around 9 years old) which has been broken near the root for the last year. It normally produces 3-4 beautiful deep lilac flowers each year. It flowered this year but the plant looks miserable. I had to move it this week-and am not sure it will survive. Can I take cuttings or how can I start a new plant. Thanks

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Could you recommend approx half a dozen container plants to be used on a large deck area in a sunny aspect. They can be medium to large with some color.

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Why are the leaves on my plant curling up and appear to be dying also on a second plant there appears to brown spotting on the leaves..what plant food should I be feeding them

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Very new to gardening and dont know what i am doing ,i have very tall tulips in pots and dont know what to do with them now .they kinda look as if they are coming to the end of their time .do i just throw them out and fill pots with somehing else , i hate to do that as i got such joy from growing them....please help gerry as i am so new to working in the garden but would love to make a go of it .

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Last year half the bark below the graft had a whitish substance on it. I just rubbed it off. This year there is no bark where this substance was and the tree has no leaves not even buds. The rootstock it was grafted onto has bark for about 10 inches above the ground where no whitish substance was and has green shoots which I have removed. Is there anything I can do or is it dead?Tree was planted about 4 years ago. Summer very wet - is that the cause. Also in the same area my Golden Bamboo has turnd brown and has not greened up. Is this also dead:

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