
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open


I've two camellias, side by side, each in a separate pot. The white one is doing great. The pink one has lots of buds but they are turning brown and dropping off before opening. Is there anything I can do? Many thanks. In hope. Breffnie

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I have a common escallonia just over a meter high and was thriving, eventhough in a very exposed site. Now its practically dead with most branches totally bare and a few with dead leaves on. When showing it to a friend recently he said his escallonia hedge has a number of plants similar to mine. He also lives in Bantry. Could this be "Sudden Oak Death" or what can I do. There are still two or three healthy branches remaining.

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have a camelia about 5 years in a large pot all the flowers this year appear to be brown and are falling off before they have opened any ideas what may be wrong

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why do the little walnuts on my tree disappear before maturing.

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What can I do to reverse the pyracantha leaves turning black (without having to cut it out???). I have a row of about 5 along a low back wall, the top of the pyracanthas which act as a screen allowing additional privacy. The top two feet of one is particularly bad. The leaves on a few side branches of the two adjoining pyracanthas are also turning black.

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Holly tree 15years old leaves and berries covered in a soot-like substance for past month what do I do?.

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