
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open


My lawn is now an indefinite roundish shape andi would like to make it a well-defined oval shape-do you have a formula that I could use?

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I propagated my neighbours clematis (late summer flower in deep blue/mauve) in the summer last year... good success and now have 7 x 10" plants. I guess I have 2 questions. Firstly, are they too small to plant out as I have seen they need to be planted deeply, which could be a problem as they are not too tall yet. Secondly, will they flower this year or when should I expect flowers.

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Do you have any advice on how to deal with these chafer bugs? Our greenhouse is infested with them and we need to get rid of them soon as we have tomatoes etc. which we planted in the ground. Any advice will be much appreciated.

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what's the best feed to put on my new allotment. is there one that will do the lot or will i have to get get many different ones? i have a wide range of veg in my allotment.

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I have a new border in which I have planted a mixture of spring and summer flowering bulbs and shrubs. The bulbs include lilies, tritelia, tulips, and Ixias. I have also sown some annuals, including california poppies, calendula and nasturtiums. In order to keep down the perrenial weeds which include creeping buttercup I would like to lay a mulch approx 4" to 6" deep. I intended to use chipped bark as the mulch. Will the bulbs be able to penetrate this next Spring and Summer and will the annuals self seed and grow. If they can penetrate the bark mulch why can't perrenial weeds? Any help/advice you can give in this respect would be appreciated.

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I notice this year in particular that there is a scarcity of cabbage plants coming through for planting in the traditional method (i.e say bundles of 100 plants ready for sowing) What is the reason and when were these plants originally planted to be ready for Spring. Some say it's the last week in July like the Spring cabbage? I've a small veg plot but this scarcity has intrigued me.

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