
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open


My lemon tree which has given lemons in the past is now looking very sad with sticky glue on the leaves and black dust sticking to it. What can I do to clean it up?

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We recently purchased two small peach trees, they appear to now have peach leaf curl. Could you give us any advise on how we should treat it.

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My peach tree produces fine peaches each year but after maturing, they deteriorate very quickly. When and how should they be harvested? Thetree is now large and mature,growing about 2metres from a south facing wall. It is sprayed against peach leaf curl.I would also appreciate tips on pruning.

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I have a new Peach Tree in my garden that is suffering from "The Curl" I have read up about it on Gardners World Website but all treatments both natural and chemical are for Jan/Feb. Is there anything I can do now apart from removing the leaves and burning them?

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She has this almond tree which is struggling and she wonders if it is because her soil seems to be mostly acidic.

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What do we use for outdoor peach trees to prevent peach leaf curl now that liquid copper is not available?

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