
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open


I just need some information regarding the best way to propagate my Iris plants.

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Copper sulphate is sometimes recommended for canker. Any views?

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Hi Gerry, I planted carrot seeds 3 weeks ago and I'm happy to announce that they germinated about a week ago (ie. small green leaves appeared over the ground about a week ago). I was inflicted with carrot fly last year so I'm going to erect a 60 cm while fleece around my carrot bed to prevent the same happening. My only concern now is that I'm worried that I might have left it too late and the carrrot fly may have already arrived? I haven't started thinning the carrots yet. What do you think? Am I too late and merely wasting my time? Regards Ray

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My four Cordyline Trees, despite their not unattractive appearance, are 15 foot high and a maintenance burden with their constant shedding of numerous long leaves and seperate flowering panicles attracting hosts of starlings with resultant nuisance. Can they be coppiced or shortened to half their height, if so would they survive or should I remove them permanently.

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We moved to a house last autumn with a cherry blossom not more than 10 years old. I noticed all the leaves had holes and foliage was generally poor. It was just in full bloom recently and looked healthy but as the flowers have dropped off the leaves too have wilted, are developing brown spots and falling off. What could this be and can you recommend any treatment>

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I have read many things and still not sure on this one. I want to move an azalea plant from a planter. I have read to do it after it flowers and then some say do it now - early Spring. What do you suggest? Thanks!

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