
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open


Hello Gerry!I just have one question which is .i have a septic tank and on a windy day if walking along road you can get a slight bad odour . Is there any fragrance smelling plant which you could plant near or around safely? would lavander do or is there another easy maintenace plant you could suggest?

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I cut back a clematis which had taken over a back wall in my mothers garden to reveal a pyracantha growing at each end of the wall,there were very little leaves or berries left only a lot of wood. can this be cut back tight now to bring it on for next year. Thanks Philip

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Hi! I'm growing two apple trees as espaliers. I got them as 1 year old maidens last winter, pruned them above a bud and they've grown the first level of branches this summer. However, one of them only grew one branch, on the left. Is there any way I can encourage it to produce another one on the right, so it won't look lopsided? Thanks a million!

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Gerry, could i still set alium bulbs or is the ground too cold after recent frost. If not could i set them in pots and leave in 'plastic' greenhouse until spring. many Thanks mary rowley

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My wife recently purchased bulbs - mirabilis and hemerocallis were 2 among them. When researching what soil, shade, etc. they like I found that they may be problematic. One website advised washing your hands after coming in contact with mirabilis. Another advised that the seeds of hemerocallis were highly toxic. As we have young children I wonder could you shed any light on this issue?

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Watering & light requirements for indoor Yucca & Money Tree for both summer and winter?

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