
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open


I have a new 'woodland' garden, bounded by mature trees but freshly landscaped with paths and planting areas. In the middle, the least shaded area, bounded by wooden roundels is a patch planted with 5 young fruit trees and filled in with meadow grass. The meadow grass, though beautiful in the spring, grew tall and straggly and hid the trees. I am thinking of pulling it out and replanting. Would lavender and roses be possible in such an area? If so, what varieties of roses would do well? Alternative ideas very welcome. Many thanks!

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Hi Jerry. we planting yew hedging approx 4 ft tall in April. on a border of a sloped garden. We have been very careful with watering when necessary. Wen we found it bronzing and some of plants loosing leaves one foot from the soil, we added more soil and some suitables feed. It still doesn't look great and chatting with a friend her hedge looks great and was planted at the same time. Her garden is'nt sloped. We have acid soil ? Should we be concerned or do we give it time to settle in? Thank you ,Nell

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I was just wondering if you or any of your subscribers heard of any allotments been giving out by the Co. council .In Bray the green party are looking for anybody interested to let them know. I live in carnew Co.Wicklow and i would be very very interested. Thank you very much in advance for any information. Anthony O'Brien.

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You advise people in limey areas to plant bluberries in polythene lined trenches. Can you spell this out a bit more eg size width and depth and material to use. I have composted a lot of Leylandi clippings could i use this compost. Do i need to line the bottom of the trench as well as the sides. do i leave holes in bottom lining for drainage or would this allo w lime to seep in etc etc

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hi gerryi have 3 silver birch, 2 of which are about 15ft tall but only 2-3 in diameter, and only produce leaf at the top 3ft or so . can they be coppiced or pollarded?

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Hi Gerry, I have a couple of holly trees approx 2m high - they have never been pruned but I would like to restrict their height and train them into a 'hedge' shape. Should I just lop the top third off? When should I do it - Spring? Thanks , Conor

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